
2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024

ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Nonlinear Dynamics

(2020). Geretti, L., Sandretto, J. A. D., Althoff, M., Benet, L., Chapoutot, A., Chen, X., … & Kochdumper, N. EPiC Series in Computing, 74, 49-75.


ARCH-COMP20 Category Report: Continuous and Hybrid Systems with Linear Continuous Dynamics

(2020). Althoff, M., Bak, S., Bao, Z., Forets, M., Frehse, G., Freire, D., … & Schilling, C. EPiC Series in Computing, 74, 16-48.


Efficient reachability analysis of parametric linear hybrid systems with time-triggered transitions

Forets, M., Freire, D., & Schilling, C. (2020) arXiv preprint arXiv:2006.12325.


Spreading height and critical conditions for the collapse of turbulent fountains in stratified media

Sarasua, L. G., Freire, D., Cabeza, C., & Marti, A. C. (2020). arXiv preprint arXiv:2010.00965.


Normal coordinates in a system of
coupled oscillators and influence of the masses of the springs.

Suárez, Á., Baccino, D., Monteiro, M., & Martí, A. C. (2020). European Journal of Physics, 42(1),


Using smartphones as hydrophones: two experiments in underwater acoustics

Monteiro, M., & Martí, A. C. (2020). Physics Education, 55(3), 033013.


Experimental analysis of the free surface of a liquid in a rotating frame.

Monteiro, M., Tornaría, F., & Marti, A. (2020). European Journal of Physics.


Video-based analysis of the transition from slipping to rolling.

Suárez, Á., Baccino, D., & Martí, A. C. (2020). The Physics Teacher, 58(3), 170-172.


Small-worldness favours network inference in synthetic neural networks.

García, R. A., Martí, A. C., Cabeza, C., & Rubido, N. (2020). Scientific reports, 10(1), 1-10.


Experimental analysis of a compound pendulum with variable suspension point.

Monteiro, M., Stari, C., Cabeza, C., & Martí, A. C. (2020). Physics Education, 55(2), 023004.


Intraseasonal predictions for the South American rainfall dipole.

Díaz, N., Barreiro, M., & Rubido, N. (2020). Geophysical Research Letters, 47, e2020GL089985.


Communication through coherence by means of cross-frequency coupling.

J. González, M. Cavelli, A. Mondino, N. Rubido, A. B. L. Tort, and P. Torterolo, Neuroscience 449, 157-164 (2020).


Observation of bifurcations and hysteresis in experimentally coupled logistic maps.

C. Gutiérrez, C. Cabeza, and N. Rubido, Pramana J. Phys. 3(1), 21-30 (2020). DOI: 10.29195/iascs.03.01.0007


Advancing Our Understanding of Structure and Function in the Brain: Developing Novel Approaches for Network Inference and Emergent Phenomena

C. G. Antonopoulos, N. Rubido, A. M. Batista, and M. S. Baptista, Frontiers in Physics 8, 570 (2020).


Inconsistencias y errores en los enfoques tradicionales sobre la energía en nuestros
cursos Introductorios.

Suárez, Á., Baccino, D., Martí, A. C., & Monteiro, M. Avances en la enseñanza de la Física, 2(1), 23-
38 (2020).


Vortex dynamics under pulsatile flow in axisymmetric constricted tubes.

N. Barrere, J. Brum, A. L’her, G.L. Sarasúa, & C. Cabeza
Papers in physics, 12, 120002-120002 (2020).